If you have ever worked with an LED video wall, you have probably dealt with a dead LED on a panel. If your LED wall is a source of income, you want to keep it in the best working order to ensure the highest rental prices and repair dead pixels as they pop up. To make this process easier, our team created a dead pixel tester to help locate bad LEDs on your panels.

Getting started is easy. Click the button below. Once the page loads, click anywhere on the screen. The page will go full screen. Each click after this will change the color of the page. You’ll see a black dot on your panel if you have a dead pixel. If you don’t see any black on your panel, congratulations, you have no dead pixels. To exit full screen mode on the tester, just press the “Esc” button.

What is a pixel?

A pixel is a dot on your LED panel that turns on or off and changes color according to the image that your device wants to display.

Is it possible to fix dead pixels?

Yes, contact your LED panel manufacturer about how to repair bad LEDs.

What is Find Boxes?

Find Boxes is an inventory and project management system for audio-visual production/installation companies. If you rent or install LED walls, check out our service at https://www.findboxes.co.